Connecting With Others

Sunday School

Midtown’s adult Sunday School class meets at 9:00am every Sunday, upstairs at the Senior Center. The 45 minute class is a blend of Biblical teaching and how that teaching applies to our lives.

Bible Studies

There are several small group Bible Studies available at Midtown, including men’s, women’s, and coed groups. Our Bible Studies are a mixture of Biblical teaching/study, along with fellowship and prayer for each other. Questions times and and locations? Email us at

Community Groups

Community Groups differ from Bible Studies in that these groups consist mainly of fellowship and prayer. A meal is often shared, giving people time to visit and get acquainted, afterward moving to a time of sharing and prayer. Questions times and and locations? Email us at

Serving with others

Perhaps the most unexpected way to connect with others at Midtown is to find an avenue to serve alongside others. To find out ways you can serve with others at Midtown, click here.